How Does an Intelligent Decisioning System Help Understand Customer Behaviour For Targeted Lending?

With the advent of AI-powered intelligent decision systems, the lending sector is undergoing significant changes, bringing multiple benefits to borrowers. From quicker loan disbursal to more effective credit risk management, intelligent decisioning systems have become prominent in the lending ecosystem.

Intelligent decisioning systems use advanced analytics, business rules, and machine learning models to derive actionable insights from vast amounts of customer data and behaviour. These insights allow lenders to precisely target their client profile, underwrite risk more effectively, and deliver personalised experiences that meet each customer’s needs.

Understanding Customer Behaviour Through Intelligent Decisioning Systems

Enhanced Data Analysis

According to Deloitte, 62% of financial services firms that implemented advanced data analytics, reported an improved understanding of customer needs and preferences. Intelligent decisioning systems can process diverse data sources, including transactional data, social media activity, credit scores, and even behavioural patterns. This comprehensive analysis offers a 360-degree view of customers. For instance, by examining spending habits, an intelligent decisioning system can predict a customer’s future credit needs or identify potential defaults before they occur.

Personalised Customer Insights

Traditional methods often rely on broad segmentation, leading to generic offers that do not appeal to individual customers. An intelligent decisioning system provides hyper-personalisation by analysing each customer’s journey, including their preferred channels (digital or face-to-face), spending priorities (like shoes or cars), and favoured brands. This capability ensures that financial products and services are tailored to match the specific needs and financial behaviours of each customer.

Predictive Analytics for Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is crucial in lending. Organisations have observed a reduction of 20% to 40% in credit losses by utilising systems that can more accurately predict the likelihood of customer default, according to McKinsey. Intelligent decisioning systems can predict a borrower’s likelihood of default by analysing past behaviours and external factors. This predictive capability helps lenders make informed decisions, reducing the risk of bad debts while offering competitive rates to low-risk customers.

Impact of Targeted Lending

According to a study, 65% of customers expect companies to anticipate their needs. Intelligent decisioning systems are uniquely positioned to deliver on this expectation in lending by understanding customer behaviour.

Improved Credit Accessibility

Intelligent decisioning systems can analyse alternative data for credit risk assessment for individuals with limited or no credit history and lend money based on the risk assessment. This inclusivity opens doors for the underbanked populations, enabling them to access credit where traditional scoring models might fail.

Precisely Targeted Offers

With a deeper understanding of customer needs and risk profiles, lenders can tailor loan products with competitive interest rates and flexible repayment options. This fosters customer loyalty and opens new revenue streams. Also by understanding propensities like credit appetite, risk management systems can make sure the right customers see relevant lending offers at the right time through the right channel. 

Faster, Smarter Decisioning

An intelligent decisioning system streamlines the loan application process, automating loan origination and decision-making. The advanced analytics models quickly evaluate all factors to determine lending risk, eliminating bias and accelerating credit approvals. This reduces processing time and operational costs, allowing lenders to serve more customers.

Dynamic Credit Limits

Traditional credit limits often remain static. Intelligent decisioning systems can dynamically adjust credit limits based on a borrower’s real-time financial situation, allowing for increased flexibility and responsible spending power. This credit risk management technique empowers financial institutions to effectively analyse the borrowers’ borrowing capacity and lend accordingly.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Insights about preferences allow lenders to tailor everything from product features and payment options to interactions and communications for each customer. The ability to provide timely and relevant offers enhances the customer experience. 


Intelligent decisioning systems represent a paradigm shift in how financial institutions understand customer behaviour and offer targeted lending. By harnessing the power of AI and machine learning, intelligent decisioning systems provide enhanced data analysis, personalised insights, and predictive analytics, leading to improved credit accessibility, targeted offers, and a superior customer experience. As technology evolves, intelligent decisioning systems will continue to transform the lending landscape, making financial services more inclusive and efficient.

Corestrat’s Decision Management Suite (DMS) is an intelligent decision system that enhances the lending process by analysing borrower data. By reviewing various data sources, DMS can segment borrowers and provide tailored loan offers based on a more predcitable credit risk assessment.